Take Another Look!
Vol 49 no. 2
What's in this upcoming issue?
Page 06. There is danger in forfeiting our witness and the beauty of Christian character when salt loses its saltiness, cautions Robert Solomon.
Page 10. The weather forecasts look troubling. Here’s how we can learn some lessons from the Church in the West, particularly from Britain. Lynette Lim-Teagle highlights perils and storm warnings we should heed.
Page 22. Has the Church become too exclusive, focusing excessively on priorities, programmes and policies for its members, at the expense of reaching outwards? Impact’s panel examines the issue.
"Apathy should not be confused with lethargy. People who are spiritually apathetic may actually be very busy, even with church activities. But their very busyness is a distraction from the real work of the Spirit they need to prioritise."
Peter Teagle